The Inspired Kitchen


Za’atar, a spice blend popular throughout the Middle East, is ideally a blend of hyssop, sumac, sesame seeds, salt, and other seasonings. Jewish food historian and cookbook author Gil Marks notes that hyssop appears frequently in the Bible, playing an especially prominent role in the Passover story, where Jews were instructed to add hyssop to the blood they smeared on their doorposts. Sumac, the dried and ground red berry that lends za’atar its distinct tanginess, is referenced in the Talmud as a cultivated spice. More…


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As the week comes to a close, here are some things you might have missed at Bible provides epic ...

The Inspired Kitchen

A few years ago, signs began popping up around Tel Aviv and beyond advertising a new delicacy: sabich. This savory ...

The Inspired Kitchen

The latest installment of Adeena Sussman’s MJL food column “The Inspired Kitchen� is now available. The newest recipe: Yerushalmi Kugel. ...
