Jewish Organizations


-AIPAC comes under attack from two of its major donors for, of all things, being too pro-Palestinian. (Forward)

-Interview with Herb Zweibon, chairman of Americans for a Safe Israel (AFSI), a Zionist organization very opposed to “land for peace.” (The Jerusalem Post)

-B’nai Brith of Canada is facing a stiff internal challenge on its governance procedures, and the leadership is responding with some sharp tactics. (Forward)

-Isi Leibler, former Chair of the WJC, condemns the New Israel Fund and the Israel Policy Forum, among others, as “Jewish defamers of Israel” (The Jerusalem Post)

-But Larry Garber rises to the defense of the New Israel Fund. (The Jerusalem Post)

-And Seymour Reich and Marvin Lender similarly defend the Israel Policy Forum. (The Jerusalem Post)


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