The Media on the Media


-Although Israeli-Arabs make up 19% of the population, their representation in the media stands at only 1%. For example in TV “Channel 2� “only 0.55% of the items broadcast by the channel featured Arabs.� (Ynet)

-Israel’s HOT, which has nearly two-thirds of Israel’s cable and satellite audience, will be replacing CNN with Al-Jazeera’s English channel. (The Jerusalem Post)

-Shlomi Barzel argues that the recent episode of Israeli press censorship (over the Israeli air attack on Syria) shows the parties acting reasonably well. (Haaretz)

-But Gideon Levy disagrees: “The Israeli media have unconditionally given themselves up to the smoke screen. It is not the media’s job to weigh the considerations of war; their job is to report.â€? (Haaretz)

-Former IDF Chief of Staff Moshe Yaalon has accused the media of protecting politicians who adopt pro-withdrawal policies. (Israel National News)

-Does the New York Times Magazine “have a Jewish problem” about both the facts and the message? Or do “the articles reflect, accurately, a fundamental trend within the Jewish worldâ€?? (NJ Jewish News)


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