daily prayer

Yishtabach: What Lies In Prayer’s Wake

A Hasidic teaching offers a way to understand this prayer that seems to suggest our words of divine praise are inherently insufficient.

Listening to the Constant Prayer of the Soul

How to integrate meditation into Jewish prayer.

Full Text of Modim

The Modim prayer, part of the Amidah, in Hebrew, English and transliteration.

Complete Text of Ashrei

The Talmud teaches that one who recites Ashrei three times daily is guaranteed a place in the World to Come.

Ashrei: The Connection Between Trust and Happiness

A curious feature of the poetry of this prayer hints at a key component of the quest for happiness.

Modeh Ani: It’s Not Just About Gratitude

The first prayer traditionally recited upon awakening in the morning is commonly translated as "I thank you," but that's not all it means.

How to Remain True to God — And Each Other

The morning blessing Yotzer Or teaches something fundamental about the Jewish conception of God, and the key to successful human relationships.

Ahavat Olam and Ahavah Rabbah: How God Shows Us Love

God does not show us love through indulgence or simple tenets of faith, but by illuminating the way to a holy life.

How to Acquire the Right Mental State for Prayer

The pursuit of proper kavanah, the Hebrew term for directed attention, has long concerned Jewish thinkers.

Golel Ohr: The Interdependence of Light and Dark

Our praise of God for rolling away the darkness from the light is a statement of faith that while certain times may be hard, they are never eternal.