
Mayim Bialik Quiz

How much do you know about the Emmy-nominated Jewish actress and Kveller contributor Mayim Bialik?

Book of Vayikra Quiz

How much do you know about Leviticus, the third book of the Torah?

Jewish Fall Holidays Quiz

How much do you know about the autumn holiday season?

Quiz: Jewish Athletes

Can you name these famous Jewish athletes?

Jewish Soups Quiz

How well do you know your soups?

What Ritual Object Goes With Which Holiday?

Match the ritual object to its corresponding holiday.

Myth or Fact: Death and Mourning Quiz

Test your knowledge of Jewish mourning and bereavement practices.

Prominent Jewish Women in History

How much do you know about these prominent women in Jewish history?

Dates of Key Events in Jewish History Quiz

There are so many important Jewish historical events that it’s easy to lose track of what happened when! Can you ...

Pairs in the Bible

Two by two in the Tanakh.