Jewish Thought

The Free Will Problem: Medieval Approaches

In the Middle Ages, Jewish thinkers struggled to reconcile God's knowledge of the future with human choice.

Modern Jewish Philosophy

Jewish thought in modern times has been shaped by radically new political realities.

The Free Will Problem: Early Solutions

Biblical and rabbinic sources stress both divine determinism and human freedom.

Hardened Hearts: Removing Free Will

The Bible records several problematic instances of God hardening human hearts, seemingly stripping them of free will.

Divine Providence

According to some thinkers, God only watches over people in a general way; according to others, divine providence extends to the minute details of life.

Jewish Business Ethics in Practice

Jewish Business Ethics in Practice. Judaism and Business Ethics. Jewish Work and Commerce.

The Environmentally Conscious Jewish Home

For Jewish families, caring for the environment could be part of a wider consciousness of living in a world that is a divine gift.

Peace: Jewish Traditional Sources

The concept of peace is deeply ingrained in the Jewish legal and ethical system.

Responding to the Free Will Problem in Judaism

Responses to Jewish Free Will Problem. Jewish Free Will. Jewish Choice and Determinism. Jewish Ideas and Beliefs.

Misrepresentation and Fraud in Jewish Law

Talmudic law and the medieval law codes developed from it protected consumers from many types of deceptive practices.

Fraudulent Pricing in Jewish Law

A seller charging more than fair market value can be forced to rebate the difference, or even to cancel the sale.