Robert M. Seltzer

Robert Seltzer is a Professor of History at Hunter College (CUNY).

Articles by Robert M. Seltzer

How The Bible Differs from Other Religious Texts of Its Time

Go with Gilgamesh, but lose the animal livers.

Ancient Jewish Diaspora

During the Hellenistic and Roman periods, Jews established communities in new regions, from Antioch to Alexandria.

The Book of Job: A Whirlwind of Confusion

An ambiguous divine speech is the subject of great scholarly debate.

Abraham Joshua Heschel: A Prophet’s Prophet

Heschel aimed, through his writing and teaching, to shock modern people out of complacency and into a spiritual dimension

Mordecai Kaplan: Founder of Reconstructionist Judaism

An examination of the philosophy of one of the 20th century's most prominent Jewish thinkers.