Debra Band

Debra Band’s work in Hebrew illuminated manuscripts draws upon her love of both the manuscript arts and Jewish studies. Debra is the artist and author of The Song of Songs: the Honeybee in the Garden (JPS 2005), I Will Wake the Dawn: Illuminated Psalms (JPS 2007), Arise! Arise! Deborah, Ruth and Hannah (Honeybee in the Garden, 2012), and the forthcoming Kabbalat Shabbat: the Grand Unification (Honeybee in the Garden, April 2016). Paintings and reviews of each of her books have appeared in the JOFA Journal, and she speaks regularly at community institutions in the US, Canada and England. Debra lives in Potomac, Maryland.

Articles by Debra Band

Candle Lighting’s Power to Connect and Transform Us

I’m thinking a lot about Shabbat candle lighting nowadays, in part because I’m awaiting the birth of my first grandchild ...

A Powerful Woman

As this summer, and this Jewish year wind down, I’m completing the painting and writing for my fourth illuminated book ...