Vayigash Text Study


Joseph’s Moment of Truth

Revealing his true identity, the viceroy cannot control his emotions.


Genesis 44:18-47:27

The Redemption of Judah

Judah's plea to Joseph is a sign of his personal growth and ability to empathize with his father's grief.

Preparing For Exile

Joseph used his position of rulership to help his brothers develop coping skills for their upcoming exile.

Feeling Another’s Pain

As God promises to accompany Jacob into exile, we learn that sometimes the challenge of being fully present and sharing in someone's pain is greater than relieving their suffering.

Achievement And Action

Joseph teaches us to use our material success in the service of those who are needy.

Don’t Be Quarrelsome On The Way

Joseph's warning to his brothers not to quarrel on their way instructs us as well in our relationships with our families and the larger Jewish community.

Avoiding Confrontation And Responsibility

Judah's plea to Joseph marks his transition into claiming responsibility and facing the consequences of his actions.

The God Of Isaac

As Jacob descends to Egypt he calls on the God of Isaac to assure him that this decision is correct.

Reminders Of Love

Like Judah's approach to Joseph, the people of Israel must sometimes remind God of our unique commitment to one another.
