Rabbi Daniel Kohn


Extras in the Siddur

Editors of siddurim (prayer books) have included a variety of bonus materials.

Shabbat Liturgy

A guide to Shabbat services and what makes them unique.

Purim Plays and Carnivals

Creative ways that fulfill the religious obligation to have fun.

The Amidah

Moving from praise to petition to thanksgiving, the Amidah inculcates a sense of connection to God.

Siddur Contents: Shabbat & Holiday Liturgy

A guide to the prayerbook and the standard service.

Brit Milah: The Biblical Origins

Where the circumcision covenant comes from.

Biblical, Rabbinic, and Modern Holidays

The different types of Jewish festivals

What Are Pilgrimage Festivals?

Three major holidays mentioned in the Torah: Passover, Shavuot and Sukkot.
