

How to Find a Sponsoring Rabbi for Conversion to Judaism

Sponsoring rabbis serve as mentors and oversee the fundamentals of the conversion proces.

What Happens on the Day of Conversion

The particulars can vary, but typically it involves appearing before a Beit Din, immersing in a mikveh, and adopting a Hebrew name.

What a Convert to Judaism Needs to Know

Studying for conversion is not merely about acquiring information, but the development of a new identity.

Converting to Judaism While Honoring Family Ties

Jewish tradition respects both the totality of a convert's transformation and the continued ties to their family of origin.

How Do I Know If I’m Ready To Convert?

Comprehensive knowledge of Judaism isn't a prerequisite for conversion, only a desire to be Jewish and a readiness to align one's fate with the Jewish people.

How I Chose My Hebrew Name

When I chose to become Jewish, I didn’t choose my Hebrew name. It sort of chose me.

Why I Converted to Judaism

My involvement with Judaism began with a Jewish boyfriend, but I ultimately converted for myself.

7 Tips For Navigating Jewish Life With Your Interfaith Family

For some converts, choosing Judaism brings with it a number of complex family challenges.

Choosing a Hebrew Name After Conversion

The choice of a new name can represent a declaration of intent to embody a particular Jewish value.

How I Came to Feel Part of the Jewish People

For some converts to Judaism, it can take time to truly feel like a member of the tribe.
