Book of Psalms
Ashrei: The Connection Between Trust and Happiness
A curious feature of the poetry of this prayer hints at a key component of the quest for happiness.
By the Rivers of Babylon We Remember Zion
This famous psalm is read on the eve of Tisha B'Av and sets the tone for an emotionally challenging holiday.
Psalm 90: Counting Our Days Rightly
The capacity to resist the injustice of the world is present with us every day.
God, Open My Lips
The prefatory verse of the Amidah reminds us that while prayer is mostly written in the language of 'we,' it yearns to be experienced in the language of 'I.'
Pesukei d’Zimra: Preparing Us for Prayer
These "verses of praise" seek to reorient us away from egocentrism.
Psalm 150: Praising God, Loudly
The final chapter of the Book of Psalms calls for a symphony of horns, drums, lyres and more.
The Book of Psalms
These 150 Hebrew poems are central to Jewish prayer and the inspiration for countless forms of creative expression in Western culture.