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Who Destroyed The Temple? A Talmudic Tale

Hosted By: My Jewish Learning

The Romans, then rulers of the known world with unprecedented military might, destroyed the ancient Jerusalem Temple and, with it, Jewish autonomy and self-rule. The catastrophe is rarely discussed directly in the 2,711 pages of the Talmud. Together with My Jewish Learning’s editor Rachel Scheinerman, we’ll read the primary exception, a complicated and compelling story that can help us figure out what this tragedy meant to the rabbis — and what it means for us this Tisha B’Av, nearly 2,000 years later.

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Jews in the Upper Midwest

Jewish settlement in Minnesota and the Dakotas

11 Jewish-Mexican Mash-Ups for Cinco de Mayo

It’s Cinco de Mayo – a Mexican holiday of origins almost no Americans actually understand. Which doesn’t stop them from enjoying tacos ...

Jewish Spiritual Crisis

In America around the turn of the 20th century, Jews had the freedom to not observe religion and rabbis were scarce.