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Virtual Walking Tour: The Jewish Community of Buenos Aires

Hosted By: The Museum of Jewish Heritage-- A Living Memorial to the Holocaust

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Buenos Aires is home to what was once the most important Jewish community in South America. Join the tour guide, Mariana, virtually in Houssay square, two blocks away from the Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina (AMIA). Here, attendees talk about how the community arrived in this neighborhood and introduce the tragic attacks on AMIA by showcasing some fantastic murals that pay homage to the victims and the community. Then, travelers will set off to explore the many memorials and synagogues that surround the area. As attendees walk into the garment district of Buenos Aires, they’ll talk about parallels between Buenos Aires and New York City, including the local Jewish deli. Did you know potato knishes are round in Argentina?

This is a virtual event.

The event listed here is hosted by a third party. My Jewish Learning/70 Faces Media is not responsible for its content or for errors in the listing.


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