The Collaborators: Deception and Survival in WWII
Hosted By: American Jewish University
Join AJU’s Mark Oppenheimer for a captivating virtual event featuring acclaimed author Ian Buruma as he delves into the enthralling narratives of three enigmatic individuals. In his spellbinding book, “The Collaborators,” Buruma unravels the lives of a Dutch fixer, a Manchu princess, and Himmler’s masseur, exploring their roles as potential con artists, collaborators, or even heroes during the Japanese and German occupations. These larger-than-life figures challenge the simplistic dichotomy of good and evil, blurring the lines of history and war. Buruma’s meticulous research paints a chiaroscuro portrait of their complex stories, reminding us of the enduring relevance and inherent dangers of distorting the truth. In an era of rampant falsehoods, this event offers essential insights into history’s grey areas and lessons from the past.
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