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Sylvie Anne Goldberg
Sylvie Anne Goldberg is associate professor at the Center for Historical Research and head of the Jewish Studies Program at LāĆcole des hautes Ć©tudes en science sociales (The School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences) in Paris. She is the author of three other books on Jewish history.
Elisheva Carlebach is the Salo Wittmayer Baron Professor of Jewish History, Culture, and Society at Columbia University as well as the current Director of the Institute for Israel and Jewish Studies at Columbia. She is an award-winning author and has twice held fellowships from the National Endowment for the Humanities. She served as editor of the Association for Jewish Studies Review and chaired the Academic Advisory Council of the Center for Jewish History.
Author Alexander Kaye is the Karl, Harry, and Helen Stoll Assistant Professor of Israel Studies at Brandeis University. His research includes the history of Jewish thought, with a special focus on political thought, the history of law and theories of Jewish modernity. He is also an expert in Israel Studies, and on the relationship between law, religion, and politics, in particular the history of religious Zionism.
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