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Lily E. Hirsch

Lily E. Hirsch is an expert on Jewish musical life under the Nazi regime. She is a Visiting Scholar at California State University, Bakersfield. Previously, she taught as Assistant Professor of Music at Cleveland State University. She holds a Ph.D. in musicology from Duke University and is the author of A JEWISH ORCHESTRA IN NAZI GERMANY: MUSICAL POLITICS AND THE BERLIN JEWISH CULTURAL LEAGUE, Music in American Crime Prevention and Punishment, Anneliese Landau’s Life in Music: Nazi Germany to Émigré California, Weird Al: Seriously, and, as co-editor, DISLOCATED MEMORIES: JEWS, MUSIC, AND POSTWAR GERMAN CULTURE, winner of the American Musicological Society’s Ruth A. Solie Award. She is working on a study of humor in music as well as a book about the connection between music and insult.
