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Dr. Samuel Gruber

Dr. Samuel Gruber has been active in the documentation, protection, and preservation of this historic since 1990, when he organized the first countrywide surveys of Jewish heritage sites for the World Monuments Fund and the U.S. Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad, and organized the first international conference on the Future of Jewish Monuments.  That wok led to the restoration of many synagogues and cemeteries and the creation of new memorials at Holocaust-related sites. More recently, most such projects have been organized locally.  Dr. Gruber presently directs Gruber Heritage Global, a cultural resource consulting firm and is president of the not-for-profit International Survey of Jewish Monuments.  He lives in Syracuse, New York, where since 1994, he has taught art history and Jewish Studies at Syracuse University and is also Visiting Associate Professor of Jewish Studies at Cornell University.
