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Dreamidrash Workshop

Hosted By: Applied Jewish Spirituality

Explore your dreams through a broad range of Jewish texts, and modern psychoanalytic theory.

Join us for this free trial class of an exciting new 6-session course with clinical psychologist and rabbi Mordechai Zeller, as we delve into some ancient dream texts from the Tanach (Hebrew Bible), Talmud, Zohar and from the diaries of the Mystics and Hassidic masters – read together with some classic psychological theory, from Freud and Jung to Bion, Ogden and Eigen.

The session will focus on archetypal and recurring dream themes. We will trace their appearance in Jewish teachings, from ancient to modern. And then we will learn how to record our dreams and how to begin working with them as engines of transformation in our lives.

This first​ session of the course will focus on dreams of ladders and stars. Each session will include both a text based learning session, followed by an active dream-circle, sharing personal dreams and doing dreamwork as a group.

All texts are provided with clear line-by-line translations, and no prior knowledge or experience with the subject matter is necessary. This course is open to novices and advanced learners of all backgrounds and orientations.

The event listed here is hosted by a third party. My Jewish Learning/70 Faces Media is not responsible for its content or for errors in the listing.


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Judaism and Psychology

Jews have engaged with and steered psychological inquiry since its inception.

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