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Dimensions of Teshuvah

Jews prepare for their New Year by engaging in teshuvah, a word that is usually translated as “repentance” and literally means “return.” But the ideal of teshuvah also contains possibilities beyond individual penitence. Jewish thinkers have interpreted this concept to speak of many kinds of turnings and returnings – to tradition, to home, or to a whole self. In this class, read a variety of modern Jewish thinkers who bring teshuvah beyond the walls of the synagogue to speak to the spiritual and ethical challenges of modern life.

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Teshuvah, or Repentance

The High Holidays provide a special opportunity to repent.

Averting the Severe Decree

The appearance of three word phrases in the Unetaneh Tokef prayer teaches that deeds must follow thought.

Spiraling Towards Repentance

There are five factors in teshuvah (repentance), each of which can be a starting point for the entire process.