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Click, Like, Connect: Digital Conduct, Your Kids, and You

Hosted By: The Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning

What does responsible parenting look like in the social media age? In this program, we will delve into social media usage, online conduct, and digital citizenship through a Jewish ethical lens.

Instructor: Rabbi Michele Faudem has taught middle and high school students, college students, and adults for the past 25+ years.

Part of the Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning’s Parent Empowerment Initiative: 5 Issues That Matter. Generously sponsored by Susie Goldsmith in memory of her husband, Ron Goldsmith.


The event listed here is hosted by a third party. My Jewish Learning/70 Faces Media is not responsible for its content or for errors in the listing.


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San Diego

Agency for Jewish Education of San Diego County Provides, promotes and facilitates educational programs, services and resources

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