

Who Are Your Characters Really?

It’s amazing how many North Londoners have taken me aside in a furtive, conspiratorial kind of manner, in order to ...

Graphic Memoir: The Legacy of Harvey Pekar

JT Waldman co-authored and illustrated the new graphic novel Not the Israel My Parents Promised Me with writer and frequent ...

How Did I End up Doing This?

Joshua Henkin’s new novel, The World Without You, is now available. For a long time I wanted to be a fiction ...

Primordial Slush

Several years ago at a writing conference, I was listening to a panel of agents and editors talk about how ...

Why I Write

Maybe there are four or five people on earth for whom writing is effortless and never heartbreaking. I don’t know ...

What the Kids are Doing With Their Lives

I realized late in life that my parents weren’t your typical Baby Boomers. My dad wasn’t anti-establishment. My mother wasn’t a feminist. ...
