special needs


A Tribe of One’s Own

Watching the final outs of the seventh game of the World Series last month, I couldn’t help wondering whether the ...

Easy Money

For the last few days, I’ve been walking around the house singing and dancing more or less in tune and ...

Chaos Theory

When you’re the parent of a child with autism, you’re always bracing yourself for the endless string of theories headed ...

Inclusion at Jewish Camp

Last week, the Foundation for Jewish Camp hosted our biennial conference, Leaders Assembly, in New Jersey.  The topic of inclusion ...

“Would Life Have Been Better Without Your Son?”

The call came the other day from our son Jonah’s sleep-away summer camp. Registration was almost completed and we hadn’t ...

Share the Word to End the Word Day

Today is Share the Word to End the Word Day. The word “retard” that is. It was once acceptable to ...

A Miraculous Baseball Team

“Spring training” has just opened up. America’s favorite past-time signals warm weather, longer days, family outings, the good times. T-ball, ...

Pushing Jewish Day Schools to Be More Inclusive of Special Needs

The recent Kveller post by Benay Josselson on her son’s positive and enriching experience at Rockland Jewish Academy made me ...

Born Superstars

This post is part of our series dedicated to Jewish Disability Awareness Month. Each year the most talented dancers and ...

The Childhood Friendship That Set My Life’s Course

This post is part of our series dedicated to Jewish Disability Awareness Month. Everyone has a passion and a calling. ...
