Camp Directors

#GivingTuesday or Any day

More thoughts on giving. ‘Tis the season of thankfulness and giving. Are these words synonymous in meaning when it comes ...


We continue our series on giving. Autumn is definitely my favorite time of year. I love the change in weather, ...


This holiday season, we have giving on our minds and in our hearts. How camp influences what it means to ...

Shomrei Adamah: Guardians of the Land

We are told very early on in our Jewish history of the importance of ruling over our lands responsibly, of ...


A camp professional in my adult life, I have always been a camper at heart. I have the deepest, most ...

Teaching Our Children How to Swim

In addition to beginning to plan for the upcoming 2014 camping season, Gilad and I find ourselves also busy preparing ...

Being Part of the Whole

I learned recently that groups of animals have the most interesting names. Some are well known, like a school of ...

Camp and the “Real World”

Campers and staff often state at the end of a camp session or summer that they wish camp could last ...

Reflections After Our Camp Nearly Burned Down

Shanah Tova from the Ranch Camp! We wish your family a year full of happiness, health, and fulfillment.The High Holiday ...

Helping Our Kids to Return Home

I can’t stop thinking about Jordana Horn’s recent post about her son who came home from camp early. I don’t ...