Tzedakah Quiz

Tzedakah, or righteousness, is often interpreted as charity, because Judaism views giving as the ultimate act of righteousness.


Tzedakah, or righteousness, is often interpreted as charity, because Judaism views giving as the ultimate act of righteousness. As in most areas of life, here too Jewish tradition makes practical demands and specifies expectations.

How much do you know about tzedakah?

Question 1 of 10
Every morning on your way to work, you pass a woman who asks for money for food. Her clothing is dirty and ragged, but you’re not sure if she’s just faking it. According to Jewish law, what should you do?
Question 2 of 10
The corners of fields, which were designated for the poor, are called
Question 3 of 10
The rabbis of classical Judaism said tzedakah is
Question 4 of 10
Which social worker helped found the Maxwell Street Settlement House, the Women's Loan Association, and the Juvenile Protective Association?
Question 5 of 10
The call in Isaiah to "take the poor into your homes," read as the Haftarah on which holiday?
Question 6 of 10
True of false: According to rabbinic law, one should give tzedakah to one's own near relatives who are poor before giving to the rest of her city's poor.
Question 7 of 10
According to Jewish law, how much tzedakah must one give?
Question 8 of 10
According to Jewish law, when choosing who will receive tzedakah funds, who takes first priority?
Question 9 of 10
According to the Mishnah, how much of one’s fields must one leave unharvested for the needy?
Question 10 of 10
Who is required to give tzedakah?

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