The Benefits of Fasting on Yom Kippur

Don't believe in God? Reward and punishment? The obligations of Jewish law? Here's why you might want to fast anyway.

Between the Lines and Under the Paint

These tales of Deborah, Ruth and Hannah are wonderful stories, full of vivid characters and human drama — a pleasure for all of ...

A Mother’s Day Chat with Raffi and Marion Freedman-Gurspan

Raffi and Marion Freedman-Gurspan talk parenting, how their politics and LGBTQ activism informed their family life, and more! 

West Side Tsorys, the Purim Prequel

A skit based on the famous musical, with a Jewish twist

Jews and the Vatican: What Prayers to Pray?

Inbal Freund-Novick is an organizational consultant and co-founder of The Unmasked Comics Project, a social change comics venture with comics ...

A Slap in the Face in an Ancient Church That Wasn’t a Synagogue

On a tour of Judea (in the West Bank), wishing all its residents past and present were acknowledged.

After the Termination of a Pregnancy

Through prayer and ritual during the month after the termination, the parents work through lingering feelings of guilt and sorrow.


Now I’ll admit to you something. I don’t actually have an iPhone. However, there are people here in the office ...

What Death Should Teach Us About Life and Living

Death is not a counterpoint or contradiction to life, but a profound teacher about the meaning of human existence.