Wise Fridays: Abolish Wars

“It is hard to do justice to the originality of men who, in the eighth century BCE, untutored by the ...

Wise Fridays: Supreme Importance

“God is of no importance unless He is of supreme importance.” —Abraham Joshua Heschel Find more Wise Fridays wisdom on ...

Wise Fridays: Playing Favorites

“A man should never single out one of his children for favored treatment, for because of two extra coins’ worth ...

Wise Fridays: The Value of Honesty

“The Holy One hates him who says one thing in his mouth, and another in his heart. ” —Babylonian Talmud, ...

Wise Fridays: Heaven and Land

“Each people has as much heaven over its head as it has land under its feet. ” —Hayim Nahman Bialik ...

Wise Fridays: Time and Money

“Told that a certain man had acquired great wealth, a sage asked: ‘Has he also acquired the days in which ...

Wise Fridays: Thinking & Judging

“In analyzing or evaluating an object, we think and judge from a particular point of view. The psychologist, economist, and ...

Wise Fridays: Civilized Warfare

Renunciation of chemical and biological warfare, and humane treatment for prisoners of war…are certainly marks of civilized peoples, but on ...

Wise Fridays: Images of God

The images of God as lover, friend, companion, and co-creator are more appropriate metaphors for the God of the covenant ...

Wise Fridays: The Adornment of Wisdom

“The adornment of knowledge is wisdom, the adornment of wisdom is humility.” –Derekh Eretz Zuta 5 Find more Wise Fridays ...