AIPAC, Trump and Civility Through the Eyes of a Teenager

I was woken up last week, early Tuesday morning to be told by television producers for the news program on ...

Wisdom From The Margins

Jethro's position at the outside of the Jewish people allowed him to understand how to make the Torah work for a multiplicity of people.

Breathe In, Breathe Out

Why Meditation and Mindfulness is Helpful (And Jewish)

The Mystery of the Yizkor Service

The mass exodus before the memorial service reflects a common attitude regarding death, part advice and part superstition.

What Is Chabad?

This once small Hasidic group has grown to unparalleled global influence.

Our Love Party: Inviting Community When Family Won’t Come

My Orthodox Jewish self, my fear and shame, my internalized homophobia could not fathom a way of bringing my relationship with my religion and my understanding of what God wants for me into marriage with a woman. It has taken me years of being out and going through heartbreak and growth to be in the place that I believe that God wants to be involved in my marriage to Mary. In order to be married in an authentic way, I need both my religious self and my queer self to be there.

Jewish Education in Early Childhood

The long-term value of early exposure to all things Jewish

The Many Faces of King David

David was a warrior and an artist, a lover and an adulterer — and also Israel's greatest king.

Do First, Understand Later

The Jews accepted the Torah with the statement "naaseh v'nishma" -- we will do and we will hear.