Be Super in Spandex (Or Not): The Jewish Lives of Comic Book Heroes

Is Superman Jewish? Many classic comic books such as Superman, Captain America, and The Fantastic Four were created by Jews. Rabbi Simcha Weinstein explores what compels Jews to create superheroes by walking us through a history of comics by writers who often came from Yiddish-speaking immigrant families. Like the superheroes they created, these writers understood the experience of having different identities at home and work. By examining comic books through a Jewish lens, Rabbi Weinstein highlights the themes of the Jewish immigrant experience that comics reveal, and argues that although Superman is not Jewish, his values are.

Rabbi Simcha Weinstein is the founder of the downtown Brooklyn Jewish Student Foundation. Rabbi Simcha is a sought-after television and radio guest, and has been profiled in many publications, including the <i>New York Post</i>, the <i>Jerusalem Post</i> and the <i>Washington Post</i>. He is also the author of <i>Up, Up and Oy Vey! How Jewish History, Culture and Values Shaped the Comic Book Superhero</i>.

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