Tractate Berakhot

Tractate Berakhot

Berakhot 64

Banqueting with God.

Tractate Berakhot

Berakhot 63

Vulnerability enhances holiness.

Tractate Berakhot

Berakhot 62

It is Torah, and I must learn.

Berakhot 60

Giving sight to the blind.

Berakhot 59

Rearranging the stars.

Berakhot 58

The right words of comfort.

Berakhot 57

Shabbat is 1/60 of the World to Come.

Berakhot 56

Interpreting dreams is a risky business.

Berakhot 55

The secret to long life.

Berakhot 54

A blessing for miracles.

Berakhot 53

Remembering and returning.

Berakhot 52

Shammai wins! Sort of.

Berakhot 51

Raise a glass, ladies!

Berakhot 50

Elevating the mundane.