Rabbi Kerry M. Olitzky

Rabbi Kerry M. Olitzky is the author of more than 75 books and hundreds of articles, including (with Leonard Kravitz) "Shir Hashirim: A Modern Commentary on the Song of Songs." He was the longtime executive director of Big Tent Judaism and formerly served on the faculty/administration of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion.

Articles by Rabbi Kerry M. Olitzky

Come, My Pretty

Moses managed to come close to Pharaoh, even though Pharaoh posed a threat.

Unwilling Audiences

It takes a great deal of courage to leave what is comfortable and enter the wilderness.

The Torah’s Accessibility

The Torah was given early on--available to anyone who seeks it.

Jacob’s Diverse Family

Jacob found it in his heart to embrace all his children, though they chose different paths.

Joseph’s Intermarriage

What should be said when a child brings home a soulmate from another faith tradition?

Nourishing Others

Judaism can provide spiritual sustenance to those who need it, to those who seek it.

Courage to Dream

It takes a dream to save the Jewish people.

When Jacob Reconciled with Esau

Jacob is surprised to learn that even with estranged family members, reconciliation is possible.

Open-Ended Journeys

Like our ancestors, we are all on journeys throughout our lives.

All Over Again

In this portion, children fall into the unfortunate trap of repeating their parents' mistakes.