Rabbi Jonathan Spira-Savett
Rabbi Jonathan Spira-Savett is the founder and director of MACHAR, a national project in the United States involving Jewish youth in service that promotes self-sufficiency and economic empowerment and in study of Jewish and American "texts" on wealth, success, and social responsibility.
Articles by Rabbi Jonathan Spira-Savett
Creating an Experience of the All of You
We need more experiences of community in which we feel connected to members of society whom we don't even know.
Carrying On After The Golden Age
Living after the Civil Rights Movement, we, like the children of Jacob, have the opportunity to carry the ideals of previous generations into the future.
Service And Community, In The Desert, Among Strangers
In his covenant with Avimelech, Abraham provides us with an example of how to build peace, justice, and kindness where they seem to be absent.
Tzedakah in the Bible
The Bible backed up its exhortations to assist the poor with laws and practices that gave poor people a claim to a share of society’s wealth.