Rabbi Danielle Upbin

Articles by Rabbi Danielle Upbin

Ask the Expert: Should I Light a Yahrtzeit Candle For an In-law?

Lighting memorial candles is well-established Jewish custom, but not obligatory under Jewish law.

Ask the Expert: How Do I Know When To Stop Saying Kaddish?

Traditionally, mourners recite Kaddish for parents for 11 months minus one day.

Ask the Expert: Can I Say Mazel Tov to a Pregnant Person?

A better thing to say is b’sha’ah tovah — here’s why.

Parashat Emor: Sacred Time, Sacred Connections

An unusual juxtaposition in this Torah portion highlights an oft-overlooked piece of observing the major festivals.

Rabbi Danielle Upbin

Watch a High Holidays sermon from the spiritual leader of Congregation Beth Shalom, Clearwater, FL.

Yishtabach: What Lies In Prayer’s Wake

A Hasidic teaching offers a way to understand this prayer that seems to suggest our words of divine praise are inherently insufficient.

Praying for a Rebuilt and Redeemed Jerusalem

The 14th and 15th blessings of the Amidah pose some difficult theological questions.

Re’eh: Seeking Divine Compassion in Times of Suffering

The seventh blessing of the Amidah asks God to see our suffering and redeem us from it.

Penitence and Prayer in the Amidah

Two blessings said every day invoke the High Holiday mood of returning to God.

Beginning the Amidah by Connecting to Our Ancestors

The opening to the Amidah prayer shifts the perspective from personal needs to the long arc of Jewish history.