Rabbi Avi Katz Orlow

Rabbi Avi Orlow is the Director of Jewish Education at the Foundation for Jewish Camp (FJC). Before joining FJC in 2008, Avi was the Campus Rabbi and Assistant Director of the St. Louis Hillel at Washington University and has held numerous positions as rabbi, educator, and youth leader. He spent 17 years as a camper and then educator at Ramah Camps in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin and YUSSR camps in the Former Soviet Union. Avi has a B.A. in religious studies from Columbia University and was ordained in the charter class at Yeshivat Chovevei Torah, the open Orthodox rabbinical school. He lives in White Plains with his wife, Cantor Adina Frydman, and their children, Yadid, Yishama, and Emunah.


Articles by Rabbi Avi Katz Orlow

Time to End the Hate Song

We find ourselves living at an interesting time on a couple of levels. Having just participated in two wonderful Seders ...

Fifty Shades of Anti-Semitism

When my children were in Kindergarten they learned about the story of Esther in preparation for Purim. Five years ago, ...

A Light in the Dark

As I write this, there is a lot of negative energy in the world. There seems a force asking people ...

Promises for My Gay Children: Reflections of an Orthodox Rabbi for Yom Kippur

As I prepare for Yom Kippur, I have been giving some thought to all of my and our collective sins. ...

In the Field

According to Hasidic thinking the days of Elul are the time when “the King is in the field.” The metaphor ...

Body of Discourse

“All that is thought should not be said, all that is said should not be written, all that is written ...

Camouflaged Education

How could I try to hide in plain sight? Well if I was well camouflaged I might use any combination ...

You and I, We Will Change the World

Tomorrow on Yom Ha’atzmaut, Israel’s Independence Day, I’ll be thinking about Arik Einstein z”l.  Einstein, who passed away at the ...

Revealing Passover

We come together for Passover to celebrate our ongoing liberation from slavery. During the seder we will speak at length ...

Hidden Ingredient

Teachers, curricula, grades, rulers, pencils, erasers, chalk, markers, handouts, hands up, heads up, mouths shut, black boards, white boards, smart ...
