Phyllis O. Berman

Phyllis Ocean Berman directed Elat Chayyim's Summer Program and is coauthor of </i>Tales of Tikkun.</p>


Articles by Phyllis O. Berman


Celebrating menopause breaks the silences of a lifetime and forges a future of openness and sharing.


This ceremony uses elements of Jewish and other traditions to share a sense of possibility and openness with a newly menstruant girl.

The D’var Torah as Religious Struggle

The struggle to find personal meaning in words of Torah and to share that message with the community is the essence of Jewish spiritual maturation.

Scheduling A Bar/Bat Mitzvah: What To Consider

For a traditional family, the appropriate date for a bar/bat mitzvah is the Shabbat on or following the child's birthday, but for a liberal family, selecting a date can be more complicated.
