Jessica Sliverman

Jessica is part of the HereNow Teen Leadership Board. She believes HereNow embodies all the qualities and more she hopes to represent, namely traits of independence and self-assurance. She is a senior in high school and the president of the wellness club (SADD). She represents her high school at the Tyler Clementi Foundation as a #Day1Representative, and is also working as a nutrition intern for the BOS UCLA program. She is an animal and climate change activist trying to help others incorporate more clean, plant-centric meals. She is the hub leader of the Students Opposing Speciesism hub in her county and manages a blog, She is studying to become a certified RDN in the future or neuroscience dietician-nutritionist to help others satisfy their dietary needs.

Articles by Jessica Sliverman

How to Ask For Help and Where to Find It

When people seek support from mental health professionals, there can be a range of stigma associated with it. To work ...

A Letter to My Past Self (of Future & Fate)

Dear Younger Jessica,I want to formally introduce myself to you as the future Jessica. The Jessica that would have never ...