Goldie Goldbloom

<a href="">Goldie Goldbloom</a> is the author of the novel <a href="">The Paperbark Shoe</a>.

Articles by Goldie Goldbloom

Rebecca Meets Isaac

Step into a desert oasis and get to know Rebecca as a young girl. Goldie Goldbloom shares a medieval commentary on this story that is startling but rich with wisdom for us today!

“I’m Just Not in the Mood For Normal Behaviour”: In which Goldie goes driving in Italy

In her last posts, Goldie Goldbloom wrote about why she’s totally going to be excommunicated and about her cute, old ...

On Being Stalked by Crazy Folks

On Monday, Goldie Goldbloom wrote about why she’s totally going to be excommunicated (hint: She’s a Chasidic Jew who just ...

The Seven Roads to Hell (or: Dante’s Inferno adapted for Chassidic Jews)

Goldie Goldbloom is the author of Toads’ Museum of Freaks and Wonders, a novel about Italian prisoners of war in ...