Happy Tu Bishvat!

Today is Tu Bishvat, the birthday of the trees. There are many ways to celebrate—you can plant a tree if you live in a temperate climate, you can hold a Tu Bishvat seder, you can do some awesome Tu Bishvat crafts with your kids, and of course, you can eat some delicious Tu Bishvat foods (I recommend this amazing banana cake studded with dates, figs, nuts, raisins, and chocolate).


Looking for some Tu Bishvat reading? Try these articles on Theodore Herzl’s tree, kabbalists, mystics and Tu Bishvat, a lesson in abundance, eco-judaism, or Tu Bishvat and the Transformation of Eating.


Just want to sit back and veg out to a Tu Bishvat video? Todd, God, and Al Gore have got you covered:

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Tu Bishvat

David Seidenberg has put together a diverse collection of Tu Bishvat resources, including a 17th century blessing for a Tu ...

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Movies for Tu Bishvat

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