Meet Our Production Assistant, Zadie

Earlier this week, Avrom Honig shared a behind-the-scenes look at the photoshoot for Feed Me Bubbe, and talked about coming to the Big City. He will be blogging all week for the Jewish Book Council andMyJewishLearning‘s Author Blog.

Hope you’ve enjoyed parts one and two, and now, this time, I have a special guest for all of you. We got one of the big unknown stars of our show, Zadie.  “Zadie” is the Yiddish word for “grandfather.” Zadie plays a huge roll on the show making sure to keep everyone in line.

Any good production is all about having a behind-the-scenes team that really makes sure that everything is perfect. There are times that we are shooting videos where Zadie stops us before we even record because a phone may need to be taken off the hook, or perhaps an item is in the kitchen needs to be adjusted because it just doesn’t look right.

There are many times when during the process of making the book where Zadie looked over everything multiple times to make sure the pages were in the right order and that nothing was missing. In fact there were sections of the book that we knew we wanted to be in the book but if it was not for Zadie reminding us we probably would have never had it in the book. This includes menus, cooking terms, and even Bubbe’s favorite Yiddish songs which can all be found in the back of the book.

We have one more post coming up, and of course another special guest.

Just wait and see, this is a special one!

Avrom Honig and Bubbe’s new book, Feed Me Bubbe!, is now available. Come back all week to read his posts for MyJewishLearning and the Jewish Book Council‘s Author Blog.

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