Best of the Week


Hey now (I’ve been watching a lot of The Larry Sanders Show)!!! The weekend is ever so close. I can almost taste it through my horrible cold.

Uh-oh. Passover is creeping up on us. Here are some good recipes to help you get rid of all your bread. Hey now.

When did klezmer music become popular? Hey now, this article will tell you everything you need to know.

Jews and Muslims have had a…hey now…interesting, if not tension filled history together. Read more about their relationship today.

Hey now! If you’re from the East Coast, you’d have no clue it was actually Spring. But it is. Read all about the connection between Spring and Passover.

All hail Hank Kingsley. Shabbat Shalom.


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Best Of The Week

Weekend is coming. My friend from Newfoundland is coming to town (actually, I have numerous Newfoundland friend. Good folk). They ...

Best of the Week

It’s warming up people. That groundhog wasn’t lying! March is here and onto spring we come.Yes, I do love fried ...

Best of the Rest

If you haven’t noticed, MJL offers new material on its homepage every single day. Today for example, you can get ...
