Battle of the 13-Year-Old Kid Videos

The internet moves very quickly. Less than 24 hours ago, I had no idea who Rebecca Black was. And if I were a betting man, a year from now, I’d assume I will have forgotten who she is. But I’m living in the now. And right now, it’s all about Rebecca Black.

Who is Rebecca Black? She just so happens to be a 13-year-old girl whose music video has gone viral over the past week or so. Not that she is talented or anything. She made her video with Ark Music Factory–a company that, if you pay them enough, will make a professional looking music video for teenagers between the ages of 13-17.

So I have zero clue if Rebecca Black is Jewish. But she does have the best 13-year-old kid music video out there right now. OR DOES SHE?

I introduce to you Zack Freiman. Zack just had his bar mitzvah. He hates sports and love musicals. Most importantly though, his dad loves  to make cheap music videos. So for his son’s bar mitzvah–he created this wonderful gem for the party.

So…who is better? Zach or Rebecca? You decide.

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