Colbert Wants To Be A Jew

Yesterday, was Ash Wednesday, which officially brought in Lent. Not sure how familiar all of you are with Lent. Personally, I know very little. I do know however, that many people give up certain things for Lent–like alcohol, snacks, television, etc. It’s kind of like the Omer.

Last night on the Colbert Report, Stephen Colbert, a well known Catholic, in a pretty hilarious bit, joked that for Lent, he would be giving up Catholicism. Feeling empty without religion, he promptly converted to Judaism by donning a kippah. Then, because he was still observing Lent, he decided that as a Jew, he would give up not eating bacon.

To paraphrase Colbert, good thing he is now a Jew, or this bit might be misconstrued as anti-Semitic.

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