Eight Days of Videos–Magen Boys


When a video is called “Hip-Hop Hanukkah” I usually just roll my eyes. Here we go again, another attempt to make a Jewish holiday seem cooler by putting Jewish words into rap lyrics.

But I was wrong about this one.

Magen Boys, who, if my 13 year old memory serves me correct, is a bar mitzvah party production company out of Toronto, produced a Hanukkah video that is actually really original and fun.

This video is actually two videos in one. It starts off with a Chabad rabbi on the street promoting Hanukkah when he is approached by a man complaining about his preaching. This, of course, leads to an “impromptu” rap battle.

Then the video switches gears when a group of professional hip hop dancers have a dance battle with a bunch of Chabadnik teenagers. The highlight of all of this is when they mash up “Whip My Hair” and “Ani Ma’amin.”

This might be my favorite video of Hanukkah 2010.


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