Best of the (Short) Week


Merry December 24th!

I hope you are enjoying the end days of 2009. 2010–it’s gonna be a good one. I just got a feeling about it. Things work in even numbers.

With a short week comes a shorter Best of the Week. First, have you ever had the thought, “Hey, what’s the deal with the New Testament?” I have, but not in a “I love Jesus way.” And I’m not alone. This article shows that the New Testament is a great book to learn about Jewish life during the Temple Period.

According to our article on Camille Pissarro, many people don’t even realize the impressionist painter was Jewish. Funny, I didn’t even know he existed. Then again, I’m pretty dumb.

Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat is one of many plays where I know more words in Hebrew than in English. Thank you, Camp Ramah.

I’ll be in California next week, so happy New Year everyone!


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