JDub Records & the Big Jewcy Buyout


Sometimes when two really good friends of yours hook up, it’s a sign of impending disaster. The drama, the cliques, the individual dynamics that you know will never be the same.

And then sometimes, it’s everything you wished and hoped for: two swell individuals who go great on their own, and whom you know will be great together, and, in fact, who you expected this to happen to all along.

jewcyToday, JDub Records announced that they’re adopting Jewcy.com:

We’re firm believers in the transformative powers of music, culture, and inclusive environments, and you have proven us correct in those assumptions and pushed us to new heights within our mission and vision. The result is an expanded definition of community – fluid, meaningful, complex, self-defined, relevant, proud, diverse, cool, and real. It is our sincere hope that Jewcy, along with our ’round-the-clock investment in artistry will keep that definition malleable.

The amazing Lilit Marcus, who stayed afloat after Jewcy’s founders left the magazine and remained its full-time editor (despite loss of a budget, an office space, and, uh, a salary) is going to stay on as editor. And us? We couldn’t be happier. More cool Jewish content provided by more cool Jews is good news all around.


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