Best Of The Rest Of The Best (Of The Rest)

I’ll start with some advice. Never take an overnight bus anywhere, especially for a family gathering. All you get is no leg room, the Albany bus station at 3:00 am (where it’s probably cleaner to not wash your hands in the bathroom than to actually wash them), and two hours of sleep. Happy birthday Abba!

Now onto the highlights of the week.

– The Inter-Agency Task Force On Israeli-Arab Issues (or “TOOLONGOFANAME” for short), published an article on MJL called “Facts about the Bedouins.” This is a much better article than my proposed, “Funny Stereotypes about Bedouins.”

– The staff at MJL all chose and shared songs that they see as the 21st Century Shofar. Once again, my recording of me blowing a shofar didn’t make the cut. Maybe next year! There is always next year…

– Nothing witty to say about our article about “Head Coverings for Married Women.” It kind of reminds me of the Rogaine (or is it Just of Men) slogan, “Hair products for Men.” Not funny? Yeah, I didn’t think so either.

Labo(u)r Day is on Monday! So here are some facts about Labrador (Don’t know where it is? Look it up). It’s biggest city is Goose Bay, with approx. 7000 people. They have one representative in Parliament. It’s 30% Aboriginal!

Yeah! Happy Labrador, I mean, Labor Day!

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Best of the Rest

These weeks just go by so fast. Last week, we had Tisha B’Av and lurking in the distance are those ...

Best of the Rest

It’s been a short week. With Memorial Day on Monday and tomorrow being Shavuot, we only have a three day ...

Best of the Rest

If you haven’t noticed, MJL offers new material on its homepage every single day. Today for example, you can get ...