Tweet One Your Love


Okay, I’m not Stevie Wonder, and chances are you aren’t, either — but let’s not forget the grand Jewish tradition of the Song of Songs. If writing a bad Jewish poem is too hard for you — or if you’re only into good Jewish poetry, or something strange like that — then Tu B’Av is for you. It’s a day of love, one week to the day after we mourned the destruction of the Temple, when young single Jews dress up and wear white. In ancient times, they all met up in the field on the outskirts of the city. Today, we, uh, go to singles bars.

Or just show your love in a tweet. Ben Yehuda Press is sponsoring a Tu B’Av Twitter contest, and it couldn’t be easier.

First, get a Twitter account. Then tweet a special message to a special someone. Remember to include the tag #15av in your message. We’ll gather up the messages and vote on the best ones.

Three winners will receive a copy of In the Fever of Love: An Illumination of the Song of Songs by Shefa Gold, a book that’s guaranteed to get you in the Tu B’Av mood.

So start the tweets, and keep ’em coming! The contest starts this Tuesday at sundown and goes till Wednesday at dusk, just like the holiday — so load the love cannons up, and start firing.

And while you’re at it, make sure to check out Rabbi Shefa Gold‘s work on MyJewishLearning!


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