Rest of the Best. I Mean, Best of the Rest

How was everyone’s fast? Mine was yummy. Thanks for asking (Okay, I fasted. I promise).

We’ve had a good week here at MyJewishLearning, meaning I have a couple of cool articles for you to check out that you might not have seen on our homepage.

If you’ve read anything that I’ve ever written, you would know that I really don’t know what I’m talking about. When it comes to Judaism, I’m like a kindergartner, except I don’t take naps in the afternoon. If you’re like me, this could all change. Here is the new index page for all of our Judaism 101 articles. Everything you need to know about everything.

Some people’s names are just very fitting. For example, Brittany. Never met an unattractive Brittany. I dare you to find me one. Same goes for Abigail. Never met an Abigail who wasn’t a total sweetheart. Need proof? Read this article.

Finally, a shout out to the Princess Diana of her time, Bathsheba. You may be gone, but you’re not forgotten.

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Best of the Rest

It’s that time of the week again. I tell you what you missed on MJL and you expand your mind. ...

Best of the Rest- Women’s Edition

There is a certain theme to the articles you might have missed this week. All of the articles that I’m ...

Best of the Rest

These weeks just go by so fast. Last week, we had Tisha B’Av and lurking in the distance are those ...