Best of the Rest–Video Edition


It’s that time of the week again. This week’s links are dedicated to people who don’t have time to read. If you are still short on time, stop reading what I’ve written, and simply click on the links. You will not be dissapointed.

We have added many video highlights from the best Jewish comedians, from the Marx Brothers to Sacha Baron Cohen. Here are some of my personal favorites.

I love Jerry Seinfeld. Seeing him in a supermarket was cool. More than that, he also had a fantastic show. Some people don’t like it for some reason. So here are four videos that should change their minds.

Mel Brooks is a comedic genius. Don’t believe me? Watch these videos. Especially Gene Wilder being hysterical in The Producers.

Finally, there are highlights from my personal favorite comedian, Sarah Silverman. With these videos, I have a warning and a challenge. The warning is, Silverman, if you don’t know much about her, has some very “adult” humor. It may not be for everyone.

Now, for the challenge. In her “Early Stand-Up” video, she refers to her a married couple in her routine. Both members of that couple have numerous articles published on our site. Find them, you win a prize. Hint: They are related to her.


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