David Adjmi Loves Pizza

There is a cool feature in this week’s New York Times Theater section about the play “Stunning” by David Adjmi. The play is about a Syrian-Jewish couple living in Brooklyn, and their relationship with their Black housekeeper.

David Adjmi

The NYT piece has some good backstory on Adjmi’s adolescent life. He explains what it was like to grow up in the Syrian-Jewish community in Brooklyn, questioning his faith, along with being gay.

My favorite part of the article is that Adjmi is interviewed back at his high school, Yeshiva of Flatbush. He then stops by the famous Di Fara’s Pizzeria across the street where he explains that not only would he want it to be his last meal, but that he was once suspended from school for being caught eating the scrumptious pizza.

Not gonna lie. If I had to choose between Di Fara’s and high school, sadly, I probably choose Di Fara’s.

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